Thursday, January 10, 2013

Robinson & Crusoe - Saturday 19th @ 19.30

Inline images 1Sloping roof, sea all around, no food, no boat -- no problem! We will survive and go back home to family. Thank heavens for keeping us alive and giving us each other's company. Enemies no more. We are friends. 

Robinson and Crusoe is a hot favourite on the European Theatre for the Young circuit. No less here at Ranga Shankara's AHA! A play that captures the imagination of the young and old alike is full of moments to savour and take back home -- a full-fledged fight sequence on a sloping roof floating on the sea, two hungry, stranded men who don't understand each other's language negotiating the toughest challenge of their lives, a tennis match in adverse conditions and above all, the triumph of the human spirit!

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