Wednesday, November 23, 2016

And Then (Und dann by Wolfram Höll) | Kirtana Kumar - Saturday 26th @ 18.30

Presenting German Spotlight this weekend, a series of rehearsed readings, to help publicise and popularise our vast online databank of German plays in translation.

Kirtana KumarAbout Kirtana Kumar: 
Kirtana Kumar is an actor, director and film-maker. She lives on a farm with a musician, 4 dogs, 3 horses, some buffalo and chickens.
"I picked And then because it was written in columns, with no defined characters and with line breaks that hinted at a rhythm that the playwright was keen we discover in the reading. I found it elusive and suggestive of lost love, lost people. I also liked the fact that it was set against 1989, the toppling of the Berlin Wall. This offered a contemporary historical context that, for me, is very interesting to explore."
What I'm doing with it: Playing with chorus as memory, some found footage. Trying to get beneath the skin of the text.

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