Friday, November 23, 2012

Sagara kanyaka : the lady from the sea - Tuesday 27th & Wednesday 28th @ 19.30

Set in no particular time or space against a beautiful live score by Robert Davidson, Sagara Kanyaka delves into the internal anguish, conflicts and confusion implicit in romantic relationships.

A meditative and poetic adaptation of the original play by Henrik Ibsen, The Lady from the Sea: Sagara Kanyaka observes the three main characters of a husband, wife and a stranger. The stranger, once engaged to the wife, has a compelling power over her and has returned to take her away. Her husband gives her the freedom to choose between staying with him and leaving with the stranger.
Sagara Kanyaka harnesses the infinite possibilities offered by the modern stage and is punctuated by stunning animation to create a moving space installation.

This work is the result of a year long collaboration between two extraordinary collectives of artists, Abhinaya Theatre Research Centre of Thiruvananthapuram, India and Brisbane-based Topology.

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