Saturday, December 29, 2012

Leslie Charlies Trio - Saturday 29th @ 21.00


Leslie Charlies Trio feat Karan Joseph, Fuzzy Logic
Leslie Charles is known for his exceptional groove and feel for R & B and Soul music. He's making a come back into the music scene after a long hiatus.
Ramanan Chandramouli completed his AA arts degree in guitar performance at the LA music academy in Los Angeles, California. He currently teaches at Taaqademy along with Bruce Lee Mani from Thermal and a Quarter. He is actively involved in the music scene and currently plays for Mad Orange Fireworks, Blind Image and Nation Station.
Deepak Raghu is the drummer for Bangalore based heavy rock band Bevar Sea. Faculty at The TAAQ Academy (Taaqademy). Has worked with long-standing musicians such as Vinoo Matthew, Ananth Menon, Vasudev Prabhu, Floyd Fernandes, Karan Joseph. He's known for his versatility and ability to jump between genre boundaries.
Karan Joseph is one of Bangalore's chief collaborators on the keyboard. His genre bending antics on the keys is legendary.
Arfaaz or 'Fuzz' began his musical adventure at the tender age of three, when gripped by an overwhelming urge to determine the mysterious source of music emanating from his father’s wall cabinet, a tremendous fall, (cushioned only by the thick tuft of fuzz on his head) rewired his neuro-impulses causing an undying love for music and a unique approach to sound that he likes to call Fuzzy Logic.

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