Monday, April 1, 2013

Where there’s a Will - from Thursday 9th to Saturday 13th @ 19.30

Joy is the essence of life and I have always believed that theatre should exude delight. Where there’s a Will is such a play. It is not only thought-provoking and introspective but also provides an evening of pure entertainment.
Where there’s a Will has several interesting aspects. Mahesh described it as the exorcism of the patriarchial code. Women be it daughter-in-law, wife or Mistress are dependent on men and this play shows what happens when they are pushed to the edge. What interest me particularly was its philosophical twist. To be the watcher of one’s self is to make intelligent changes in this life. 
In Where there’s a Will, has control over his family through his money and forgoes an opportunity to improve his interpersonal relationships. As do most of us. Consequently, when he became watcher of his actions, he perceives that his desire for control has led him to be the victim of his own machinations unlike Kiran who uses power play to essentially improve her relationships. 
Where There’s a Will is one of the four earliest plays of Mahesh Dattani. The play is a drawing room comedy of a rich businessman, who tries to control his family even after his death through his ‘will’.
The play is really very interesting and appealing. It generates a lot of laughter and mirth among the spectators. Despite its humorous trait, the play is very introspective and thought-provoking.
The play Where There’s a Will has many trademark qualities of Dattani’s play. Like other plays, the play has Gujarati milieu and successful runs on the stage

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