Saturday, June 1, 2019

Contemporary Classical Music Performance | Manasi Prasad - Sunday 9 @ 18:30

We are what we believe. Our consciousness dictates our response to the world and beyond. How do we navigate the clutter of the world inside and outside our minds? Where do we seek guidance in dealing with the age old struggles between materialism and spiritualism, lines between ego and self-respect, ideas of the self and the supreme?

The music and poetry of our great poets and philosophers provide answers and guidance. From Thyagaraja’s juxtaposition of the joys of Nidhi (wealth) vs sannidhi (proximity to the divine), or Purandara Dasa’s dilemmas of giving up ego ('naanu nannadu emba narakadolage biddu' – I am in a hell of me and myself) while maintaining self-respect ('abhimaanavanu toredu naa parara beduvuda' – I have to grovel before others, giving up my self respect) – these ideas have traversed historical time periods and geographical contexts to resonate as strongly today as beacons of guiding light, as they did centuries ago. After all, however much humanity evolves, we are still human!

This performance is structured as an intimate conversation between the artiste and the audience, with songs and stories interspersed seamlessly. The repertoire includes both Carnatic and Hindustani compositions from Thyagaraja, Mira, Purandara Dasa, Pt. CR Vyas, Subramania Bharati, Annamacharya and others. Featuring a multiplicity of languages (Sanskrit, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil and Telugu), the concert also celebrates the plurality of expression in our country.

Manasi explores the timeless questions of materialism versus spiritualism, the self and the supreme, and the interconnectedness of the universe, through an intimate concert and conversation featuring songs and poetry in various Indian languages. She is joined by her collaborator, music composer and pianist Shadrach Solomon.

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