Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Dramatic Ragas - Saturday 18th @ 18.30

Tara Kini started training in Hindustani classical music at the age of nine from Shri Narayan Rao Patwardhan and continued her musical education under Smt. Meera Khirwadkar, Pt. Rama Rao Naik and currently, Smt. Lalith J. Rao. Tara has been involved with music on many levels including composition of music for the stage, conducting music workshops and performing. She has taught Hindustani classical music for over 20 years and leads Sunaad, an eclectic group of music enthusiasts that has performed several shows in Bangalore and other cities across India.

Tara Kini's solo concert will highlight how Ragas lend themselves to different moods, create diverse environments and evoke a wide range of responses. Drawing from the Rasa theory of the Natya Shastras, Tara will present Ragas in Khyal and Dhrupad genres as well as semi-classical styles to demonstrate how Ragas work their magic.

Tara will be accompanied on the Tabla by Shashibhushan Gurjar, Pakhavaj by Dnyaneshwar Deshmukh and Tanpura by Dipti Rao.
Come and let The Drama in Ragas transport you to a magical world.

Tickets: Rs 300

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