Saturday, August 18, 2012

Kitchen Garden Workshop by Purna Organic - Sunday 26th @ 12.00

In an attempt to spread awareness of having a garden kitchen, CounterCulture will conduct a workshop on how one can convert their backyard into a thriving kitchen garden. We have Purna Organics that has been working to help people take control of what is eaten. They will be conducting a workshop that will teach people how to grow in small space in the terrace or garden.

The participants will walk out confidently to setup and manage the garden to get the vegetables in sustainable form. As part of the hands-on session, the participants will be sowing 5 – 6 different vegetables seeds in a small patch of garden. In addition, you will also get 3 months free subscription to our innovative software – iGarden, which will help you to carry out the gardening with weekly mail communication from us for the vegetables that you want to grow.

Fee: Rs. 1,000/- per participant.