Thursday, September 13, 2012

Death and the Maiden - from Friday 14th @ 20.00

A South American political thriller at Jagriti
A woman awaits the return of her husband as the sun goes down. The dictatorship that plagued her land has just fallen, and everything is uncertain. The woman is full of fear, gripped by a secret terror that she shares only with the man she loves. During the night and the day that follows she will have to confront that fear, she will have to bring justice in her living room…
Ariel Dorfman’s Death and The Maiden traverses the personal and the political, powerfully cutting across geographical and cultural divides. Inspired by Chile and Argentina in the 1970s and 80s, its drama finds resonance in many parts of the world - in Syria, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Iran…

Tickets: Rs 300

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